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Email Marketing In 2021. How to run a successful Email Marketing Campaign?

Email marketing, what's email marketing, what is email marketing, why email marketing is important, how to do email marketing, why to do email marketing

Email marketing is one great tool in digital marketing which you can use to grow your online business. It is one of the most profitable ways to do direct marketing for the product and services you want to promote or sell.

Email Marketing can give you around six times the results than the other marketing channels, including social media and others. It should be the crucial pillar of your marketing strategy.

If you are still confused about where to start and how to start, then do read the blog till the end, you’ll get to know about email marketing and the strategies to implement while doing email marketing.

Let’s first start with knowing What’s Email Marketing and how to do it?

What is Email marketing?

Email marketing is the form of marketing where you build a list of emails and then send messages related to your brand and services, your brand offer to emails you have collected. Some people think email marketing is outdated but they don’t know the magic of Marketing products and services through emails as it will help your brand to make connections with the customers. You can share some news with customers to sell the product, tell about offers to your customers using the emails.

Email Marketing is a highly effective digital marketing strategy that can help you promote your business and products and services. Using emails for marketing strategies can be great for your business because Email is used by adults and teenagers globally, that is the reason why a successful email marketing campaign can help your business gets new customers and increase the revenue of your brand.

How to run a successful email marketing campaign?

Now that you’ve understood what is email marketing. Let’s discuss how to create a successful email marketing campaign.

Here are some tips from Tech Brothers Marketing Solution for our readers that you can consider while building an email marketing campaign.

  1. Define your audience and built a targeted email list. You should not send spam emails to anyone. You should correctly collect email. It can help you make an email list consist of the audience who already has an interest in your product. It will result in an increased conversion rate.
  2. You should set your goals as a good marketing plan always starts with setting goals.
  3. You should Know about your audience. Who is your audience, what they like, and about their interest? You can use tools like Facebook insight or Google analytics to know your audience better.
  4. Now you should start making a copy of the mail you want to send to the subscriber. Make a catchy subject line and design templates for an email marketing campaign. You can use different templates from canva etc.
  5. Once you know your audience and your goals and you are done with the design. Make a series of emails you have to send to the subscriber.
  6. After sending emails to subscribers, test the mail by observing the analytics. You must experiment with the subject line, design, templates you used so that you get to know which one works better. Always ask for suggestions from your subscribers, that will help your business.

What is the value of the email list?

If we discuss digital marketing strategies then, email marketing will be the most efficient and result-oriented strategy for any brand. Using email for marketing strategies can be helpful for a business. Email for marketing strategies can bring marketers 6 times more results than any other social media platform. So an email list is the most valuable asset of any digital marketer, you just have to use the email list in the right direction & it can provide good and fruitful results for any brand.

How can you build your email list?​

Email marketing not only helps you to build a strong relationship with subscribers but also to convert them into your customers. Here are TBMS’s suggestions for Building an email list:

  1. Make a pop-up form on your website and start writing SEO optimized content and make homepage SEO optimized. It can help you gain email subscribers.
  2. Use social media advertisements to promote your landing page and attach a form with a call to action button to subscribe to your newsletter or blogs.
  3. Add Call to action button on all of your brand’s social media pages, so your fans can subscribe to your newsletter or blogs from there.
  4. Create an interesting online survey related to your brand on social media. Online surveys will help your brand to know about the interest of users, through these surveys you can collect so many emails.
  5. You can host free webinars related to your niche which will get you emails when they register. Because some people still up for free knowledge. You just need to provide valuable content  & they will subscribe to you for further emails.

What type of content for email?

After building a long email list, now it’s time to prepare a list of content that you can send to your subscribers. You have to be creative while writing an email. Being creative is always required while building an email marketing campaign. There are many types of content you can use to send an email. 

  1. First Mail always should be a welcome mail, and brief description about your brand and what type of content they can expect you to send in future,
  2. You can send a promotional email. It includes information about offers going on, an invitation to brand events, product launches, etc.
  3. If you are a blogger, you can send a mail with your blog link attached. You can write a brief description of the blog or a summary of what you had written.
  4. You can send emails wishing customers or subscribers on their special events like birthdays using the help of automation. It impresses customer as customer loves personal attention.
  5. Creating surveys for your brand will help you get feedback from customers that matter. You can ask for feedback using email & you can survey by attaching a form in the mail for your brand which will help you know your customers or subscriber better.

Points to remember while building an email marketing campaign.

Now, After knowing what’s email marketing and about the strategies of email marketing. Let’s discuss some points you should remember while building an email marketing campaign.

  1. Always remember no one likes to read a long paragraphed email in the first go. Keep your emails short and relevant.
  2. Make good use of the call to action button.
  3. Do not spam. Sending spam emails can create a negative impression of your brand in the digital world.
  4. Give valuable information to your subscriber. There is something special about your brand that is why they had subscribed to your newsletter, so do not disappoint them.
  5. Keep your subject line catchy and attractive. This trick will help you increase the open rate of your email.
  6. Do not behave boringly in starting of the email. Give a compelling start that will excite the reader & he gives his valuable time to read what you have written.
  7. Always include links to other social media pages. So they can connect with you there & that will also help them to know your brand more.
  8. Use professional email to send mail to your client, not your email.
  9. You can also personalize the email by adding the subscriber’s name or use automation to wish them on their birthdays. It will make them happy.
  10. Always check analytics, what response you get from the mail you sent to subscribers. Metrics like open rate, subscribe & unsubscribe rate, conversion, bounce rate, etc. You can use both free and paid email marketing tools.

What do you mean by Email Automation? What are some benefits?

Every marketer or brand has one common goal, which is always staying connected to the customers. Email automation tools can help you with that. Use different automation software to automatically send emails to your audience. 

For example, when you subscribe to any brand email, within a few seconds you get welcome mail from that brand, this is called email automation as they are not sitting there every time to send every email by themselves. 

If we talk about some benefits:

  1. Every customer loves personal attention, and an email automation tool helps your brand to send a personalized message at the right time.
  2. The more your brand connects with the customer – the longer customer stays with your brand. It will help you increase the loyalty of your customer toward your brand.

Many automation tools provide detailed analysis like subscribe & unsubscribe rates, bounce rates, open rates. It will help in improving your marketing strategy.


Email marketing can help your business reach a wider audience. If you are ignoring this strategy, then you need to prepare your digital marketing plan again.

Using email for marketing strategies efficiently can get your business better results & it could give a marketer and brands a good Return on Investment.

You can use our tips from above to make your email marketing campaign more successful & you can also add your opinion about our blog or your tips related to this topic in comments.

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